giovedì, agosto 31, 2006

Il Curriculum in lingua inglese del rob2564

curriculum vitae

Personal information

Surname(s) / First name(s)


Mobile: 3936469771




Date of birth




Desired employment / Occupational field

European Union Employ

Work experience


Since 01-09-2003 – Today the last work
Occupation or position held

Internal Auditors and Coordinator Inspector Administrative
Main activities and responsibilities

Coordinator Inspector European Social Found into the Lombardy Regions Systems D.G. Employ and Educational Learning
Follow up and report process
Analysis to the process and evaluating to Control System
Analysis to the evidence
Focusing to the point indicator
Working on Users guide to European social fond
Developing the plans check point in the Lombardy Regions
Evaluating the risk management and strategies choice
Follow up to risk management
Preparing questionnaire evaluation

Name and address of employer

Regione Lombardia
via Cardano 10, 20124 Milano
Type of business or sector

Public sector


Since 01-09-2007 to 31-10-2007
Occupation or position held

Public Workers to the Delegations of Lombardy Regions of Bruxelles .

Main activities and responsibilities

Work in team to rebuild the manly rules to the internal Auditors for Lombardy Regions of join to the Europeans rules, and rules of Italia States
Name and address of employer

Delegations of Region Lombardy D.G. OF President .P.I. Du Champ de Mars 1050 Bruxelles

Type of business or sector

Public Sector

Education and training

Education and training


Title of qualification awarded

Laurea in Political Science in branch Low and public Right
Thesis in Pubblic and administrative low
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

International Right, Public Right, European Right, Economics Politic
Administrative Right

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University Studies of Milan
Via Conservatorio 1 Milan
Level in national or international classification

Laurea /Phd

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s)


Other language English


European level (*)

Spoken interaction
Spoken production


Independent user
Independent user
Independent user
Basic user
Basic user

Basic user
Basic user
Basic user
Basic user

Basic user

(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

Social skills and competences

Team work: I have worked in varios types of team public sector for the public council in my countries
Social work with polical associations had participate like candidate with pubic elections
I have studying in a Europeans dimension in London for two month

Organisational skills and competences

I participate and working to many institutions local institution, in political party, in State organizations , in Private Company, I get the best results in polical spoken e civil organizations, but the mainly skill is the focus to check each process in pubic administrations to respect the legal rules.

Technical skills and competences

I very deep knowledge and good manage all matter/issue with the transparency in the Public sector in all administrative branch

Computer skills and competences

Competent with most Microsoft Office Programmes and some hardware function

Artistic skills and competences

Travel and visiting Musem, Theatre, Cinema I love much hobbies in special the gardening I like to do a lot of sports skiing, ride a bicycle

I married and had two sons

Other skills and competences

I like to listening, before speaking I like very much hearing a person e have meeting and exchange the idea on everythings

Driving licence(s)

I hold Italian State driving licence “B”

Additional information

I’ m man that like to take decisions and Steering each contact group on training and developing the actions.
I am man have with same disabilities until born


Chiedetemelo e io ve lo invierò!

La poesia del Rob256
Lentamente muore
Lentamente muore chi diventa schiavo dell'abitudine, ripetendo ogni giorno gli stessi percorsi, chi non cambia la marcia, chi non rischia e cambia colore dei vestiti, chi non parla a chi non conosce.
Muore lentamente chi evita una passione, chi preferisce il nero su bianco e i puntini sulle "i" piuttosto che un insieme di emozioni, proprio quelle che fanno brillare gli occhi, quelle che fanno di uno sbadiglio un sorriso, quelle che fanno battere il cuore davanti all'errore e ai sentimenti.
Lentamente muore chi non capovolge il tavolo, chi e' infelice sul lavoro, chi non rischia la certezza per l'incertezza per inseguire un sogno, chi non si permette almeno una volta nella vita di fuggire ai consigli sensati.
Lentamente muore chi non viaggia, chi non legge, chi non ascolta musica, chi non trova grazia in se stesso.
Muore lentamente chi distrugge l'amor proprio, chi non si lascia aiutare; chi passa i giorni a lamentarsi della propria sfortuna o della pioggia incessante.
Lentamente muore chi abbandona un progetto prima di iniziarlo, chi non fa domande sugli argomenti che non conosce, chi non risponde quando gli chiedono qualcosa che conosce.
Evitiamo la morte a piccole dosi, ricordando sempre che essere vivo richiede uno sforzo di gran lunga maggiore del semplice fatto di respirare.
Soltanto l'ardente pazienza porterà al raggiungimento di una splendida felicita'.
Pablo Neruda

La casa del Rob2564

Roberto vi saluta!!!